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World Water Partnership

The World Water Partnership (WWP) was established by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea in cooperation with the World Water Council as a response to the international community’s requests for further roles of World Water Forum host countries in contribution to sustainable development, to plan for adequate identification of ‘Implementation of solutions to prioritized global water challenges and to make practical cases.

World Water Forum hosted countries and cities: Marrakesh of Morocco (1st), Hague of Netherlands (2nd), Kyoto, Osaka and Shiga of Japan (3rd), Mexico City of Mexico (4th), Istanbul of Turkey (5th), Marseille of France (6th), Daegu and Gyeong-buk province of Korea (7th), Brasilsia of Brazil (8th)


WWP annual meeting brings together water related governments, key actors from the World Water Forum host countries and relevant partners seeking for the practical cases of the implementation of water solutions and for dissemination of the ‘Call for Action’ with agreeable vision and agenda.

2024 World Water Partnership


  • 13 November, 2024 / EXCO, Daegu


  • Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea


  • Korea Water Forum, World Water Council

Major outcomes

  • Summary of the results of the previous World Water Partnership (‘16~’23)
  • Sharing status and results of participation in the 10th World Water Forum
  • Proposal of partnerships and cooperation to achieve the global water agenda

2020 World Water Partnership


  • December 10, 2020 / Virtual Conference


  • Ministry of Environment, Rep. of Korea


  • Korea Water Forum, World Water Council

Major outcomes

  • In 2019, each participant made a consensus on that the WWP takes the role as a channel for contribution to enhancement of awareness of global water leaders and decision makers, particularly to the next WWF by producing primary messages and recommendation to the global water multi-stakeholders
  • For this year’s event, 12 high-level experts from 8 countries (Morocco, the Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Turkey, France, Rep. of Korea, Brazil, Senegal) had participated to discuss on the framework for the ‘Call for Response’, the expected outcome of the WWP by 2021
  • The key experts of each country shared their insights on the Focus area 1 and 4 of the Call for Action adopted in the WWP 2016(Focus area 1: Ensure Sufficient Safe Water and Sanitation for All, Focus area 4: Engage in Socio-Economic Development and Activities) to link the discussion to the four priorities of the 9th WWF
  • Through this process, all participants expect to contribute to the process of the 9th WWF by disseminating the accumulated knowledge and experience of the WWF host countries to the global water decision makers
  • KWF will host regular prep-meetings for further development of the Call for Response until the WWP 2021 scheduled in September of 2021 in KIWW

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2019 World Water Partnership


  • September 5, 2019, Daegu EXCO


  • Ministry of Environment, Rep. of Korea


  • Korea Water Forum, World Water Council

Major outcomes

  • Agreed to establish an advisory group to follow up on major water-related activities between the host countries in order to present recommendations and suggestions to the next World Water Forum
  • Discussed the direction of the World Water Partnership and its contribution to the 9th World Water Forum
  • The direction of the World Water Partnership will be further fleshed out through consultation with the World Water Partnership 2019 participants

2018 World Water Partnership


  • September 12, 2018, Daegu EXCO


  • Ministry of Environment


  • Korea Water Forum and World Water Council

Major outcomes

  • Participants shared cases and practices on theme 3, “Strengthening Equitable Participatory and Accountable Water Governance”, one of the four themes of the ‘Call for Action’, adopted in World Water Partnership 2016
  • 11 participants from the previous host countries of the World Water Forum (Morocco, Netherlands, Japan, Turkey, France, Korea, Brazil, Senegal, World Water Council ) discussed ways to strengthen partnerships through World Water Partnership
  • A consensus was built on significant role of World Water Partnership as channel and leverage to exchange experiences and lessons learnt from the previous World Water Fora, connecting values and major results to the next World Water Forum. Further follow-up activities and cooperative agenda will be discussed in close cooperation with the World Water Council until the 9th World Water Forum.

2017 World Water Partnership


  • 20 September, 2017, HICO


  • Hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Rep. of Korea


  • Organized by the World Water Council and the Korea Water Forum


  • Representatives of water related major government ministry, cities, local governments, organizations from World Water Forum’s host countries (7countries), hosting countries (2countries)

Major outcomes

  • WWP 2016’s ‘Call for Action’ was reaffirmed by highlighting the importance of the four themes (1. Ensure Sufficient Safe Water and sanitation for all, 2. Adapt to Climate Change: Managing Risk and Uncertainty for Resilience and Disaster Preparedness,
    3. Strengthen Equitable Participatory and Accountable Water Governance, 4. Engage in Socio-Economic Development and Activities (such as energy, transport, industry, tourism)
  • Participants shared insights and on-going practices with experiences on the theme 2. Adapt to Climate Change: Managing Risk and Uncertainty for Resilience and Disaster Preparedness
  • Consensus was built on calling for the dissemination of the concrete version of ‘Call for Action’ focusing on prioritized themes highlighted through the discussion that elaborate the important roles of financing (ODA,PPP) and the adequate transfer with application of cutting edge and appropriate technologies in the process

2016 World Water Partnership


  • 20 October, 2016, EXCO


  • Hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Rep. of Korea


  • Organized by the World Water Council and the Korea Water Forum


  • About 20 representatives of water related major government ministry, cities, and organizations from World Water Forum’s host countries

Major performance and accomplishments

Sharing opinions and discussing development direction with WWF host countries

  • Necessity of continuity with World Water Forum
  • Requirement of practical action beyond consensus or conversation
  • Necessity of effective and unified system for partnership

Adopting and sympathizing with implement declaration including 12 implementations to solve world’s water related challenges

  • World Water Council has determination to support initiative that discussed in the conference, but needs deep discussion about methodology. Selected implementation will be used as indicator for water related partnership

World Water Partnership

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