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Asia Pacific Regional Training of Trainers Workshop

Training on ecosystem management, in collaboration with UNEP to determine ecosystem sensitivities, identify current trends and changes within key ecosystems.
It also determines and implements strengthened approaches to water resources and river basin management to maintain ecosystem functions, and incorporate ecosystems into water management plans.


To build capacity of water colleagues

To build network among international professionals in the field of water

To strengthen Korean global positioning by knowledge and technology sharing



Government officials from water and environment ministries mandated with water and environmental management. Individuals educated in public policy or administration

How to participate

Call for participants and recommendation from the water related department of the government in the Asia Pacific region


Training workshop with 18 Modules developed by UNEP and KWF


Ecosystem Management Manual distribution

  • This manual was developed as the latest textbook on sustainable watershed management, jointly by UNEP and IISD* 1 in 2012 with 14 world-class professors and experts. "Training of Trainers" (ToT) training program called "Application of Local Water Problems and Implementation of Solutions" was disseminated around the developing countries.
    * International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • The features of the manual include the environmental, social, economic, cultural and technical aspects of the watershed and assist the comprehensive thinking process.


Lecture, group discussion and presentation on cases

  • Lecture and practice in support of water related experts and professors of the committee of Korea Water Forum.
  • Sharing current water issues and cases in each participating coutires.


Field trip and site tour

  • Beyond the lecture-based learning activity, it offers an opportunity to visit the facilities and experience practical water resources and water environment management.

Asia Pacific Regional Training of Trainers Workshop

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